Saturday, January 28, 2006

Tales from the Road

The last few weeks have been crazy. We are officially no longer from the bay area. Thursday we finished loading up the truck, and my dad and I left town. Friday morning Mandy, Adam and Jack flew out. Mandy was sick all day Friday, including on the plane. She's feeling much better now. Dad and I are in Shawnee, OK, and will be arriving in Memphis tomorrow afternoon. It's been a fairly easy trip. We spent the first night in Barstow, then the second in Albuquerque. We move into our townhouse next week. Things will begin moving pretty fast as soon as we land, but we're looking forward to getting settled. We were able to get a three month lease on a townhouse across the street from Overton Park. That will give us some time to buy a house.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Nokia gives $75,000 to Desire Street Ministries

Tonight I was watching the Sugar Bowl. At half time they profiled former Florida Gator quarterback and Heisman trophy winner Danny Wuerffel. He now works with Desire Street Ministries, which is located in New Orleans. Most of their ministry center was destroyed by Katrina. After showing a great video clip, an executive from Nokia presented a check to Desire Street Ministries for $75,000.00.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Counting the Cost

For about a week, we had the thought of starting a coffee shop in Memphis. After about a week we kind of came to our senses: we know nothing about running any type of restaurant, we don't know that much about coffee, and we haven't been that successful in running our first business.

I just came across this article that further dissuaded me.

I opened a charming neighborhood coffee shop. Then it destroyed my life.
By Michael Idov

You know that charming little cafe on New York's Lower East Side that just closed after a mere six months in business—where coffee was served on silver trays with a glass of water and a little chocolate cookie? The one that, as you calmly and correctly observed, was doomed from its inception because it was too precious and too offbeat? The one you still kind of fell for, the way one falls for a tubercular maiden? Yeah, that one was mine.

The scary part is that you think you can do better.

I never realized how ubiquitous the dream of opening a small coffeehouse was until I fell under its spell myself. Friends' eyes misted over when my wife and I would excitedly recite our concept ("Vienna roast from Vienna! It's lighter and sweeter than bitter Italian espresso—no need to drown it in milk!"). It seemed that just about every boho-professional couple had indulged in this fantasy at some point or another.

The dream of running a small cafe has nothing to do with the excitement of entrepreneurship or the joys of being one's own boss—none of us would ever consider opening a Laundromat or a stationery store, and even the most delusional can see that an independent bookshop is a bad idea these days. The small cafe connects to the fantasy of throwing a perpetual dinner party, and it cuts deeper—all the way to Barbie tea sets—than any other capitalist urge. To a couple in the throes of the cafe dream, money is almost an afterthought. Which is good, because they're going to lose a lot of it.

The failure of a small cafe is not a question of competence. It is a sad given. The logistics of a food establishment that seats between 20 and 25 people (which roughly corresponds to the definition of "cozy") are such that the place will stay afloat—barely—as long as its owners spend all of their time on the job. There is a golden rule, long cherished by restaurateurs, for determining whether a business is viable. Rent should take up no more than 25 percent of your revenue, another 25 percent should go toward payroll, and 35 percent should go toward the product. The remaining 15 percent is what you take home. There's an even more elegant version of that rule: Make your rent in four days to be profitable, a week to break even. If you haven't hit the latter mark in a month, close.

A place that seats 25 will have to employ at least two people for every shift: someone to work the front and someone for the kitchen (assuming you find a guy who will both uncomplainingly wash dishes and reliably whip up pretty crepes; if you've found that guy, you're already in better shape than most NYC restaurateurs. You're also, most likely, already in trouble with immigration services). Budgeting $15 for the payroll for every hour your charming cafe is open (let's say 10 hours a day) relieves you of $4,500 a month. That gives you another $4,500 a month for rent and $6,300 to stock up on product. It also means that to come up with the total needed $18K of revenue per month, you will need to sell that product at an average of a 300 percent markup.

Here's the rest of the article.

When Hollywood Gets Terrorism Right

Here's a Time magazine article that looks at terrorism through the eyes of two Hollywood movies (Syriana and Munich), a Palestinian film (Paradise Now), and 24.