Monday, December 05, 2005

Simply carried along

Mandy and I are in the process of making some decisions, and I've really felt the need for my soul to be at rest. As I have been praying and waiting, I have felt "simply carried along." I knew that I had read this somewhere, but could not remember where. I finally remembered this afternoon. It's from Frank Laubach, who was a missionary in the Phillipines during the early to mid 1900's. Laubach wondered what it would be like for a person to be in continuous conversation with God, to, as Paul said, "pray without ceasing." He decided to try an experiment in which he would try to think about God for one second of every minute. At first he failed miserably, but soon he began to become alive in a way that he had never felt. I find tremendous encouragement in this.

I feel simply carried along each hour, doing my part in a plan which is far beyond myself. This sense of cooperation with God in little things is what so astonishes me, for I never have felt it this way before. I need something, and turn round to find it waiting for me. I must work, to be sure, but there is God working along with me. God takes care of all the rest. My part is to live this hour in continuous inner conversation with God and in perfect responsiveness to his will, to make this hour gloriously rich. This seems to be all I need think about.

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