Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jesus will zap you anyway he can

I found this on the Catalyst blog. Very interesting.


Ginger said...

Wow. I don't even know what to say about that. I've never heard Jesus compared to a Mountie. That's definitely a first.

Robert said...

I don't know what to say about it either. All I know is that it stayed with me for about an hour. And now of course I will have to listen to it again.

Josh said...

I would buy Sonseed's entire box set based on that one song. Overnight shipping.

Meredith said...

The cinematography was excellent.

Maybe that lead singer was the TBN version of David Cassidy. I'd like to see him on "Where are they now?"

Jason said...

Something just touched me deep inside but it wasn't Jesus. I think "zap, zap" is the best three letter combo in the history of all of music. I would really love to see them on the now defunct TRL and even a "Where are they now" episode. Part of me hates Robert for sending this.

Josh said...

Most of me loves Robert for posting this.

Robert said...

I think I hate myself. I woke up with this song in my head.