Over the past few months I've been developing a new habit. It's not perfect, but it's been accomplishing its purposes. The habit is rest, and more specifically, it's what the Bible refers to as Sabbath. For these past few months I've been taking off on Wednesday mornings. From Tuesday evening until around noon on Wednesday, I don't produce anything. I might have to take a phone call or respond to an email every now and then, but I'm pretty much tech free. I read, I exercise, I pray, I take a walk. When Mandy is able to Sabbath with me, she sleeps in a bit, and we either do breakfast or lunch together and actually have time for healthy conversation.
I find that it's a time to regain perspective. What do I mean by that? Well, I often forget that God wants to direct my steps and take care of me. I so often believe the lie that if I don't produce, it won't happen. Rest goes to battle against that lie. I also find that it's a time for God to renew my spirit and refresh my dreams. Almost every Wednesday I come away with one or two big ideas, and the amazing thing is that I wasn't trying to produce a big idea. It just comes because my heart is at rest.
I've always heard that Sabbath rest is a gift, and I'm starting to really understand this. When Tuesday rolls around I start looking forward to my morning. As I said at the start, I haven't perfected the art of rest, but the fruit that has come from it has been so good. I'm very thankful for that!
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