Monday, December 17, 2007

2007 Top 10 List: Blogs

I do a lot of my reading online. I'm thankful for blogs, and I'm thankful for Bloglines, the way I read my favorite blogs. Here are the blogs I read the most this year.

  1. Scot McKnight - this guy is brilliant, and very well-read. He's also extremely balanced. I heard that his blog gets around 5000 hits a day.
  2. Jason Elder - he's my co-pastor. He's a great writer, though I wish he would write a little more often (yes, you heard me, Jason).
  3. Ed Stetzer - Ed is a missiologist/church planter/writer who just started blogging this year. He always has really great things to say.
  4. Ben Witherington - I've just recently discovered him through reading one of his books. He's a professor at Asbury Seminary. Here's his personal site.
  5. Joe Boyd - Joe is a friend that I met in Las Vegas. He then moved to Hollywood to be an actor, and now is a teaching pastor at the Vineyard in Cincinnati. I've learned a lot from him when it comes to story telling.
  6. Steve McCoy - Steve is a pastor from Illinois who writes on all kinds of subjects. If I'm ever looking for something on Tim Keller, I go to his site.
  7. Dan Kimball - he's another guy who writes on controversial subjects but does so with a lot of grace and balance.
  8. Drew Goodmanson - he is a pastor at a church in San Diego. He is a great thinker and is very outside the box
  9. Mark Batterson - he is a pastor in Washington DC. He's very creative and humble, and I love the fact that he wants to give away the ideas that have worked for his church.
  10. Bob Hyatt "aka PastorHacks" - I've found more freebie (or cheap) software and resources on this site than anywhere else on the web.

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