Monday, December 17, 2007

2007 Top 10 List: Websites

Next up for my Top 10 of 2007...Websites. Once again, I use Bloglines for these sites. It's set as my home page, so every day I see which sites have new feeds. Very nice.

  1. Catalyst Space - this is put on by the same people who put on the Catalyst Conference. There are some very good articles each month
  2. Fast Company - for quite awhile I subscribed to this magazine. I no longer do that, but I still get to read all of the articles online.
  3. Out of Ur - I've been reading these posts since it came out. It's from Christianity Today.
  4. Church Relevance - I was on this site everyday this past summer as we prepared for our church's launch. They pointed me to great resources on marketing, design, leadership, etc.
  5. Church Marketing Sucks - another great site on marketing, websites, technology, etc.
  6. Bankrate - I go here for great mortgage articles and headlines.
  7. ESPN - I hope everyone knows what ESPN is.
  8. Yahoo Sports NBA Rumors - the title says it all
  9. Hoopsworld - more NBA action
  10. Techbargains - I can't tell you how much money I've saved using this site.


blogmenick said...

Hey Robert-

thanks for the comments regarding Catalyst space. Let us know how we can assist you in your work and ministry in 2008. Appreciate you being part of the Catalyst Community.

Brad Lomenick

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reading Church Relevance!