Man, it's been awhile since I posted my "Weekly Links." Definitely more than a week. I've been very busy, but I've missed doing this. I actually post these for myself. I learn so much from reading different websites and blogs, and I always run across ideas that I want to internalize. I use my blog to do this. So hopefully, this will once again become a regular occurrence.
Scott Thomas interviews Steve Timmis on the Acts 29 site – This is one of those books that has unfortunately had to be moved towards the back of my bookshelf. I've had it for a couple of months and look forward to reading it. The interview is very good.
Bob Hyatt at Out of Ur says that our need for productivity often stems from pride. Here's a great quote (and when I say "great", I mean that it punched me in the stomach): "Conceived of this way, busyness isn't an issue of time management and productivity, it's an issue of desire. When is enough, enough? When am I doing enough good things through which that God-given desire to feel productive and useful in this world can be fulfilled? When do I cross the line between finding satisfaction in the good day's work I put in and trying to find my identity through an ever-increasing load of ego-enhancing commitments?"
Mark Batterson on God Ideas – I totally agree, but he says it in a much better way than I can!
Slumdog Millionaire – Mandy and I went to see this on Saturday night. It's one of the best movies I've ever seen. Very uplifting story, and one that I can recommend to everyone.
Ed Stetzer on The Dangerous Church of the Future (from Innovation 3)
Next Wave Ezine on the History of the Emerging Church
Jonathan Dodson posted the following quote by Tim Keller: "young preachers won't find their voice until they have preached 200 sermons, so don't be so hard on yourself!" I think I feel better after reading that.
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