Monday, June 29, 2009

How I Got Here - Teams

Here's another article from Cutting Edge, this one from the Spring 2001 issue. (Back in the day, there weren't near the resources for church planting that there are now, or at least I wasn't aware of them). The article was called "Teams that Thrive and Not Just Survive", by Grace McLaren, and the subject was Teams. We moved to California from Nashville so that I could go to seminary, and the reason was so that we would be prepared for church planting. Prior to that time, I had been a worship leader. I felt pretty confident in this, but church planting was something new.

There was one major problem with me being a church planter. I had never been a pastor, and at that point had preached a total of five sermons. I felt that if I were going to start a church, I needed a team. This article helped me to understand why a team is needed to accomplish any project. I was introduced to the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory through this article, and was able to better understand how God had wired me and what I would bring to a team. More importantly, I understood who I was not.

From the time I started seminary, I was on the lookout for team members. Later, I began understanding that my desire to be a part of a team wasn't simply about logistics. It was about being a part of something greater than myself, and it was about doing whatever that was with my friends.

Three years ago our dreams were finally realized when Jason and Barb Elder moved to Memphis with us to start Neighborhood Church. Though they are no longer with the church, I am so glad that they came along us on this journey. They helped us to build a foundation of team, and the team we have now is amazing. I am so thankful to be able to live out the mission of God with my closest friends!

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