Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hwy 61 - Here I Come

Tomorrow morning I am heading down south to visit the Mississippi Delta. I try to take two overnight trips a year by myself for the purpose of prayer, study, planning, refreshment, etc. The past few have been times of seclusion, which have been very great for writing, but this time I decided to something different. I'm learning something about myself. In order for me to lead Neighborhood Church, I have to continue to find ways to fill myself up. I have to do things that are inspiring, that nourish my soul, that keep me passionate.

So this time, it's driving down the Blues Highway, Hwy 61. I know that I'm staying in Greenville tomorrow night, but other than that, there's not much of a plan. I want to listen to some podcasts, and of course to some blues! I'm sure I'll stop a lot. When I do stop, I'll probably do some writing in my journal. And I'm definitely going to eat some good food. Probably not any of these, though.

I want my heart to be at rest. As I said, I want my soul to be nourished. And I want to be in a place where God can speak to me.

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