Wednesday, February 06, 2008

2008: So Far, So ???

We're less than six weeks into the new year, and I feel like it's becoming the year of tragedy. First there was the death of Amber Mathenia. Next was the death of our friend Linda Griffin. Bob is doing better but still has a long way to go. Updates can be found here. On Monday I heard that my friend Dieter Zander had had a stroke on Sunday night. Dieter was a mentor during my time in the Bay Area. The latest on Dieter is here. Finally, there were the tornadoes last night. I graduated from Union University in 1997. If you'd like to read updates, go here.

As I reflect on all of these tragedies, I am reminded that life is precious, and that it is a gift from God. I am also reminded that God works everything to the good of those He loves. I've seen this through Linda's death. I am so thankful that they were a part of a church like Hillside. It's also evident with what has happened at Union. Today on CNN I heard a student being interviewed. It was powerful. I know that God will share His grace and love with many people through these tragedies.

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